17 - Page 237 -
Trouble In Chicago
"This is Rhasha, and
this is Shanha." Jim placed his hand
on Shanha's head. Molly had wanted to go
out with Jim ever since his divorce. She
looked uncomfortable as she eyed him and
Rhasha holding hands.
They all walked into Molly's
office. Molly only had one chair in front
of her desk for clients, so Jim pulled up
another chair for Rhasha, and held Shanha
in his lap.
"Molly," Jim said,
"how bad is my financial situation
now?" He knew he'd spent several
million dollars in Africa and had no idea
how much money was left in his account.
"Jim," Molly
replied, "there's something very
strange going on." She typed Jim's
name into the computer and brought up his
file. "Look." She pointed at
some numbers. "You spent over a
hundred million dollars."
She indicated other numbers.
"Your original account shows a
balance of 841 million dollars."
Molly typed something else into the
computer. "See this? This is all the
checks you wrote until the twenty-first
of last month."
Molly was wearing
half-glasses that had a chain attached to
their arms. When Molly wasn't wearing her
reading glasses, they hung on the chain
from around her neck. Now she peered over
their tops at Jim. "Your company is
showing a higher profit, but not enough
to do this." She pointed to the
ending balance.
Jim looked at the amount and
couldn't believe his eyes. "Is this
right?" he sputtered. "I still
have 841 million dollars left in my
Until now, Rhasha had never
known how much money Jim had. She heard
the dollar amount, but she still didn't
understand how much it was. She just
looked back and forth between Molly and
"I can't explain it,
Jim," Molly replied. "I've done
the figures over and over. I've had other
people do the figures. They come up with
the same balance." Molly looked at
Jim to see his reaction. "I checked
with the bank," she added, "and
they show you have a balance of 841
million dollars."